"Empowering Security: Leveraging AI for Threat Detection and Hunting"

March 29, 2024 News

Why use AI for Threat Hunting?

The process of traditional threat hunting is laborious. But, you may free up time and concentrate on other important tasks if you use AI to automate.

AI can start search operations, and analysis can reveal concealed risks. Once it recognizes a threat, it can immediately notify you in real-time. You can concentrate on the in-depth portions of your inquiry while the program independently goes through logs and looks for trends in the attacker's strategies.

Utilizing AI Effectively in Threat Hunting

1. Predictive Analytics: Feed your AI old and current sets of data so that it might
recognize future patterns or threats more specifically. It can significantly increase the accuracy and speed of your investigation as being proactive is the main goal of danger hunting and analysis.

2. Supportive Abilities: Even though AI performs better than most other technologies and keeps up well even in the most demanding conditions, it occasionally runs into problems that it is unable to resolve on its own. It is better to delegate to it the more difficult investigative duties and let it handle the monotonous, repetitive activities like gathering evidence or analyzing patterns.

3. Reduce Bias: The problem that you might eventually run into is unintentionally introducing bias to the AI. Train your model only on secure data sets to avoid this. Make sure an open-source resource verifies data integrity using cryptographic hash functions or another technique.

4. Generative AI: Consider training your AI with simulated data before deploying it to seek down cyber threats. Since accurate, meaningful knowledge about unknown risks are scarce, an artificial data set would be excellent. Generative models are capable of producing accurate and pertinent data. They might, for instance, develop prospective use cases, constraints, and warning indicators for newly discovered malware.

Automotive threat hunting is the next step in taking you security to the next stage. Utilizing all the tools available to you is only natural and will surely improve the quality of your work

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